This year we are partnering with Oxnard Church of the Nazarene.  In 2022 we hosted Oxnard Naz at our VBS and this year they have graciously offered to host us.


Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a life changing event just for kids!  It's a CamNaz annual tradition to host an amazing VBS every summer. For more information or to register for this year's VBS event, click the link below.


Q: What ages is the event for?
A: K-5

Q: What does it cost?

Q: Can I make a donation?
A: Absolutely not!  This is our gift to our community.  In the event we are taking up an offering for a missions project to help someone else in need and we would love for your child to give.  All of the offering will go to the project; CamNaz will keep $0 of the offering.

Q: Are there snacks?
A: Yes

Q: What if my child has allergies?
A: Please make sure to fill out the allergies section on the sign up and we will make sure our snacks and environments are ready.

Q: How many kids will be there?
A: We are expecting 75-100.

Q: Can I volunteer?
A: We love parents being involved in their kids' lives and we welcome your help.  Keeping kids safe is our primary goal so we will ask you to authorize us to run a background check.

Q: Will my child be safe?
A: Keeping kids safe is our primary goal!  We run background checks on every adult working with our kids.  We ask for allergy info to prepare our snacks, projects, and environments to be safe.  We also do training with our volunteers to help them be their best.  We love that you care about this.

Didn't see your question? Email us at office@camnaz.org